Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sarah Palin's "REFUDIATE", and her disavowal of the word

There is something to be said about leaving well enough alone.  It would do Sarah Palin well to remember that old adage.  However, when a gaffe turns into a word adopted by the The New Oxford American Dictionary, one could say that the gaffe creator has reached the pinnacle of popularity, much like Stephen Colbert's "Truthiness".

truthiness (noun) 1: "truth that comes from the gut, not books". www.merriam-webster.com/info/06words.htm

For some reason though, although Mrs. Palin compared her word creation to being Shakespearian, there seems to linger a form a deep-seated embarrassment, in that she used her reality show as her way to explain away her obvious gaffe.

"I pressed an F instead of a P and people freaked out," said Sarah, pointing out that her blunder was the second-most-searched word on Google trends. "Make lemonade out of lemons," said Sarah."

Now, those of us who type with all ten fingers, and even those who do two-fingered typing know where the letters are on a QWERTY keyboard.  It is like the "P" is on the East side of the keyboard, let's say NY, and the "F" is in Colorado.  Hard to make a typo when the keys are so far apart.

The problem with her excuse comes in the form of a video where she appeared on Sean Hannity prior to her famous tweet:
"Sarah Palin calls Obama "half white or half black" wants him to "refudiate" NAACP"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRU1pjqQpP0&feature=player_embedded

So what is wrong with this picture?  I say, judge for yourselves.  I would venture to say that "truthiness" and even truth, do not exist in Mrs. Palin's gut or world.

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