Saturday, December 25, 2010

John McCain Still Angry At 2008 Presidential Defeat, Conversations With Advisers & Analysts Reveal

John McCain has been an utter failure as a pilot, husband, and Senator. Now he overflows with bitterness that has consumed him from the moment "that one" beat him to become POTUS.

Someone said that he did not consider Barack Obama worthy to be in the same room with him, much less being able to win the Presidency­.

In many ways he and Sarah Palin were cut from the same cloth. Expediency and opportunis­m has been at the heart of all his decisions, including the abandonmen­t of a wife, who due to an accident was shorter and heavier.

Just look at his visage. He was once a handsome young man. He never smiles these days, he grimaces.

1 comment:

  1. His face reflects his actions over the years. What he thinks he is doing to others, he has only done to himself. The growth on his face is a reflection of his evil. Only he knows what it feels like to have so much hate and jealousy for such a brilliant man as President Obama.
