Monday, December 27, 2010

John McCain DADT Repeal Reaction: 'Today Is A Very Sad Day'

John McCain cannot re-live his service years by living vicariousl­y through our new generation of those who really serve.

If John had not been a party boy and had read his manuals, he would have known how to fly a plane, and made his father and grandfathe­r proud.

Having been captured, and lauded as a hero for being captured, after he sang like a birdie, he began his penance by not allowing his captors to release him.

After capitalizi­ng on his short & ineffectua­l service for many years, this bitter man has done everything in his power to deny servicemen and women well deserved benefits.

It is sad that when he probably sums up his life in service to our country as a pilot and then as a Senator, he knows in his heart and conscience that he has been a big fail in life, and for that I pity him.

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