Friday, December 31, 2010

"Lunatics are now running the Republican asylum."

The Republican Party is a party of lunatics for the most part.  One just has to look at how they behave on the floor.  McCain, cackling with malevolent glee after defeating a bill replete with pork added by those in his own party.  He wrote about being a maverick, he campaigned with the mama griz Sarah Palin on being mavericks, the universe in its entirety was sick of hearing how mavericky they were, then voila, he never said any such thing!  HA!?

Boehner with his uncontrollable weeping, pretending he weeps for us.  I say poppycock!

That is not the problem.  Have the American people completely lost it too?  You know, the ones that insist on defending their lunacy.  The ones who vote for them!  The ones who insist on behaving like unwanted red-headed stepchildren, like Women, Steele, and Gay Republicans, who are insulted and repudiated at every turn, yet like the little battery bunny, keep going and going and going back for more.

Puzzling but definitely not surprising.

Christine O'Donnell: 'Thug' Tactics Responsible For Campaign Finance Accusations

Sure Crissy-witch.  Biden has nothing better to do than to destroy the career of a person who has never had a career, and to witch-hunt a loser who poses no threat to him.  You are a ne'er-do-well-has-been, or better yet, never been?  You seek to make yourself important by attaching yourself to powerful people, who do not know you exist, other than to thank the gods the people of Delaware are a lot smarter than the people in Florida and did the right thing for their state by not electing you.

Beneath your sweet veneer and angelic smile, lives a positively unlikeable individual with a narcissistic persona.  You only made $5K in 2009, so how did you pay the campaign back.  What, your rent was $1 a month?  You did not work, so you did not pay your bills.  Your house went into foreclosure, and you dare lecture and come out as is you are offended?  You plastered your nonsense all over tee vee to deflect from the fact that you took campaign funds for personal use, which is against the law.  Period!

Personally, I hope they throw the book at you.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Greta Van Susteren Questions Juan Williams' Palin Intellect Claim

Greta, your woman-crush on Sarah Palin is showing.  Such a rabid defense is troubling.  Your coddling interviews are no proof that the woman has anything to offer other than being mild entertainment at times, and an annoyance, most of the time.

Even Mika on Morning Joe is over her.  Mika even wore her hair like her at one time, but I guess the adulation has worn off.

You can adore her all you want, but, quit it.  I think Sarah Palin is a big girl and can defend herself.  Seems like you are jumping the shark on this one.  Yeah, it was an opinion, and would daresay that she has greatly contributed to it, unlike what you have stated.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Safire's Take on Events: Sarah Palin's "REFUDIATE", and her disavowal of th...

Safire's Take on Events: Sarah Palin's "REFUDIATE", and her disavowal of th...: "There is something to be said about leaving well enough alone. It would do Sarah Palin well to remember that old adage. However,..."

Sarah Palin's "REFUDIATE", and her disavowal of the word

There is something to be said about leaving well enough alone.  It would do Sarah Palin well to remember that old adage.  However, when a gaffe turns into a word adopted by the The New Oxford American Dictionary, one could say that the gaffe creator has reached the pinnacle of popularity, much like Stephen Colbert's "Truthiness".

truthiness (noun) 1: "truth that comes from the gut, not books".

For some reason though, although Mrs. Palin compared her word creation to being Shakespearian, there seems to linger a form a deep-seated embarrassment, in that she used her reality show as her way to explain away her obvious gaffe.

"I pressed an F instead of a P and people freaked out," said Sarah, pointing out that her blunder was the second-most-searched word on Google trends. "Make lemonade out of lemons," said Sarah."

Now, those of us who type with all ten fingers, and even those who do two-fingered typing know where the letters are on a QWERTY keyboard.  It is like the "P" is on the East side of the keyboard, let's say NY, and the "F" is in Colorado.  Hard to make a typo when the keys are so far apart.

The problem with her excuse comes in the form of a video where she appeared on Sean Hannity prior to her famous tweet:
"Sarah Palin calls Obama "half white or half black" wants him to "refudiate" NAACP"

So what is wrong with this picture?  I say, judge for yourselves.  I would venture to say that "truthiness" and even truth, do not exist in Mrs. Palin's gut or world.

Monday, December 27, 2010

John McCain DADT Repeal Reaction: 'Today Is A Very Sad Day'

John McCain cannot re-live his service years by living vicariousl­y through our new generation of those who really serve.

If John had not been a party boy and had read his manuals, he would have known how to fly a plane, and made his father and grandfathe­r proud.

Having been captured, and lauded as a hero for being captured, after he sang like a birdie, he began his penance by not allowing his captors to release him.

After capitalizi­ng on his short & ineffectua­l service for many years, this bitter man has done everything in his power to deny servicemen and women well deserved benefits.

It is sad that when he probably sums up his life in service to our country as a pilot and then as a Senator, he knows in his heart and conscience that he has been a big fail in life, and for that I pity him.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

John McCain Still Angry At 2008 Presidential Defeat, Conversations With Advisers & Analysts Reveal

John McCain has been an utter failure as a pilot, husband, and Senator. Now he overflows with bitterness that has consumed him from the moment "that one" beat him to become POTUS.

Someone said that he did not consider Barack Obama worthy to be in the same room with him, much less being able to win the Presidency­.

In many ways he and Sarah Palin were cut from the same cloth. Expediency and opportunis­m has been at the heart of all his decisions, including the abandonmen­t of a wife, who due to an accident was shorter and heavier.

Just look at his visage. He was once a handsome young man. He never smiles these days, he grimaces.

START Treaty Clears Major Senate Hurdle

President Obama has provided us with a stark contrast between his behavior and that of the Republican­s. There is a lesson to be learned here. He was never weak. In fact, he has demonstrat­ed strength in face of a tsunami of opposition and downright hatred, peppered with so much disrespect­! From the jaw-droppi­ng Joe Wilson outburst until today, he has bested his enemies in an amazing game of chess, and has demonstrat­ed who the grownup is.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) recently expressed disgust with the growing checklist of legislation that has been passed during the current lame duck session of Congress

Safire However, when the American people, that is, a majority chose Barack Hussein Obama
 as POTUS, YOU did not see that as a mandate on 11/4/2008, oh no! You flew in the face of
the mandate, in that he won by a landslide, and did everything in your power to undermine him, and
obstruct him for the past 2 years.

I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired of every Republican who opens his/her yap to tell us what we
want, or think, or desire.

It is obvious that these self-serving parasites pretend to speak for us when they are only speaking for
themselves, and using a worn out catch-all phrase ABOUT WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT!

My goodness the Republicans want only two things: 1) POWER and 2) Remove the man from office
standing in their way by all means necessary.

Dude, the American people, at least most of us, are just not that stupid!